Abstract submission

All abstracts should be submitted by no later than January 20, 2021 on the dedicated online platform.

We kindly ask you to submit your abstracts in English, while papers can be delivered in English, French or German. Please also note the submission requirements specified below.

The virtual platform allows us to host a maximum of 300 presentations (20 minutes each). The committee will review the submissions by the end of January. Afterwards, each accepted speaker will receive instructions on the technical details about the recording procedure, that will take place in April and May with the support of a dedicated team.

Individual lectures

Abstracts must be 200–400 words, inclusive of title, author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and references.


A workshop must include a minimum of four related presentations.

Abstracts must include: the workshop's title and a description of the topic, name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the organizer(s), a list of participants and abstracts of the individual contributions.