Circulars and general information

Here you will find:
1. The circulars

2. An overview of the main deadlines

3. Information about the IAA subsidies


Abstract submission: abstracts of lectures and workshops must be submitted by January 20, 2021; for further information see the relevant page.

Registration: speakers should register by March 31, 2021
ce can register until May 31, 2021
Please see the relevant page for fees and payment methods.

Paper recording (for speakers): the online recording system will be available from April 15th to May 30th. Please follow the instructions described in the email you received; the auto-recording manual is available also here.

IAA subsidies

The IAA awards € 100 each to 10 early career scholars for costs related to their participation as active speakers in the 67th RAI.
The award is meant for scholars who completed their Ph.D within the past eight years and do not receive funds for taking part in the RAI.
For further informa
tion, see